Loader risk of rain 2
Loader risk of rain 2

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It will be harder to complete with the number of items needed. Replace the Soldier’s Syringe with these 3 items and the build will look better. It is better to combine this build with the previous build mentioned. The health leech acts as a heal and therefore, can provide you extra shields even at max health. To make it even better, you should try finding an Aegis to significantly increase your max HP with shields. The Harvester’s Scythe provides sustain through critical strike health leech. With a 100% critical rate, you will effectively proc Predatory Instincts on every hit which gives you a significant boost to your attack speed that also stacks with Soldier’s Syringe. The Lens-Maker’s Glasses should be capped at 10 pieces for a 100% critical rate. This build is another common combination where these three items give you a combination of consistent damage and life sustain.

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Lens-Maker’s Glasses, Predatory Instincts and Harvester’s Scythe They will be the hardest to deal with and you can never go wrong with having too many Old Guillotines. Old Guillotines are also necessary to shave off a huge portion of enemy elite monsters. By stacking enough debuffs and help from other party members, Death Marks can be effective. This also opens up options for other on-hit items that can cause debuffs like the Shattering Justice. With how well the Commando can stack debuffs with the Double Tap, this build has one of the largest scaling damage output for any build in the game. This is a common new build that showcases the power of Shatterspleen with its ability to provide additional bleed effects and add an area of effect damage with a high multiplier. Shatterspleen, Soldier’s Syringe and Tri-Tip Dagger It is similar to The Captain’s Vulcan Shotgun but is more of a consistent type of damage instead of a quick burst. His Double Tap skill has the highest on-hit proc efficiency in any primary skills in the game. The Commando survivor is reliant on on-hit builds because of how well he scales with a higher attack speed to help you beat the game. Conclusion The Commando Best Builds to Use

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